Friday, February 13, 2015

Winds of Change

   Anymore I find myself wondering just how much life will change in college. I suppose I don't so much mean life as I do the relationships I've made these past twelve years. 
   Time was, you went off to college, saw your college buddies on breaks, and sort of drifted apart from pretty much all of them with few exceptions. But now, with Facebook, Skype, and the gaming community in general, I can't help but wonder what it will be like. I like to think I'll still, if not see them, interact with them fairly frequently. Everyone involved in Nerds Under Fire I'll have to, so there's that.
   And then there's relationships. The big one. This is the one that scares me. Going off to a college where you won't see your SO for days, weeks. It makes me wonder how people hold up with that kind of thing. The old trope is that long distance doesn't work, but like I said, times are a-changing. But how much? Is long distance viable, or are we just lying to ourselves? Time will tell, I suppose. Tropes won't stop me from trying.
   Wow, this kind of bummed me out. But I guess you get days like that. All well. On the bright side, my grades are up, the new 3DS is out, and I'm back to playing the violin all the time. I even got voted Most Musical by my graduating class along with a close friend of mine, so that's pretty cool. 
   I'm looking forward to a relaxing week off. I'll definitely try to get out as much as I can, though. Lately I can't stand staying home and doing nothing. I get antsy. It's actually a nice feeling, I feel like I'm becoming a little less reclusive, especially since I started building up this blog and NuF. I've been meeting new people, both on and offline, and I can almost hold a conversation with someone! Haha.
   Well, anyway. I think that about does it for me. See you all later.


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