So over the past couple of months I've learned a few things.
First, I've learned that if you do something that you love, getting material things out of it really doesn't matter.
Second, I've learned that hard work pays off. Similarly, slacking does the opposite. The longer you slack, the harder you'll have to work just to catch up.
And finally, I've learned something about this blog. Schedules don't work. My life barely even works around a schedule. How can I expect the way in which I record it to work around that schedule?
So I'm coming back. This blog is a really nice way for me to record my thoughts. I like having a place to sit down, unwind, and write a little bit. It's a bit like a journal, but with the sensation that someone out there is watching.
Now, I'm not saying that it's all about page hits, far from it. What I'm saying is that the idea that someone out there could even visit this page once and just glance over a post is...therapeutic.
Oh, damn. I got distracted and accidentally started Ancient Aliens on Netflix. What a dumb show. Now my suggestions are going to be 50 shades of dicked up.
That's right, I'm still using that phrase, and if you're going to read this blog, you better damn well get used to it.
Anyway, this has been nice, but I've got stuff to do. It's crazy to think Nerds Under Fire launched just over a year ago and it's already starting to take off in a really cool way. Just a little thought dump. I'll be back later. Buh-bye.
Joe F.