Hey! Hey! What day is it? Hum-NO. It's Wednesday. Just Wednesday. If I never hear anyone reference that commercial again, it will be too soon.
So here we are again, my usual mid-week post. This is always a toughie. I never have a lot going on, or I'm too damned busy to write a decent post, so let's see just what we can get out of this one, eh?
Tuesday, my school district was back in session. So that was...fun. Probably not the best word for it, but whatever. That took up the majority of my day, almost immediately followed by work (and by almost, I mean just immediately). I wish I could tell you I had a funny story, but alas, I do not. After work, I went home, cooked myself a quick dinner, and basically just went to bed. Hey, can you blame me? First day back from break-I wasn't really in the mood to do much, although I did bring my hunter on Wyrmrest Accord to 38 before I finally conked out around 11:00, which is actually pretty good for me.
I've been trying to get to sleep before midnight recently, because 7 hours of sleep just wasn't doing it for me. 4am was fine and dandy for me during spring break, but that's obviously not something I can do when I have to be up at 7:30. So, 11:00 is the new bedtime which I am violating at this very moment. Not a second after my head hit the pillow did I think "Shit, I've got a blog. I need to post." So here I am blabbing about nothing, and having unnatural thoughts about the soft caress of my bed sheets.
Moving on to today, another slow day. Just getting reacllimated to this whole "get up and do shit" thing, so not a lot going on. I worked over Meditation by Massanet for my college auditions that are coming up in a few months, and I did some coding because damn do I need to practice (HTML, if you were curious. I know, you were just dying to know).
Wonderfully enough, I left my laptop in my band locker after school today, so not only am I typing this from my iPad, but I also can't level grind tonight like I'd been planning to do. I'd really like to ding 90 on this hunter before the beta of WoD launches, then use my boost on some sort of healing class. I'm not sure what yet. At first I was thinking monk, because of their versatility, but I also kind of like priest, because they're doing really well at the moment. I should check the alpha patch notes, though before I make a decision. Wouldn't want to pick a great class in MoP and have it nerfed to hell and back when WoD drops *cough* death knights *cough*.
I've still just been playing a bit of Hearthstone here and there. It's been proving quite difficult to form a decent streaming schedule, thanks to my ever changing work schedule. I really do need to get that sorted out. Before I changed my availability I had a good, reliable pattern. Sunday mornings, and Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after school. Now that I changed it (for some reason I can't even remember) there is neither rhyme nor reason to how my hours are structured.
All well. Things will be easier once the summer hits and I only work early morning shifts (if all goes my way, at least).
Tacos, my friends.
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