Monday, April 28, 2014

My Homie, Vivaldi

   Ugh...Mondays. Never fun.
   It doesn't help that my apparently incredibly sadistic chemistry teacher always schedules his quizzes for Mondays. I mean, it's not a difficult subject, but come on. Common courtesy, am I right?
   Anyway, interesting weekend. I went on that community college tour, and as much as I'd like the extra two years with a couple friends, it's kind of a crap hole. I don't think it very likely that I go there. I didn't even get a chance to check out their music/arts building. Not only could we not find it, but we couldn't even get a second to talk to the arts representative at their little presentation area. She just stood there for 30 minutes talking to these two guys, so eventually I gave up and we left.
   Nik seems pretty excited to go there. Despite the crappy school itself, they actually have some pretty cool activities going on there. His dad works at the college and runs the paintball club, so there's always that if I do choose to go there for a year or two. I really need to meet the violin teacher there before I do, though. I can't risk getting stuck with a teacher who is going to make me hate my instrument.
   So just tonight someone introduced me to the musical genre of alternative rock. I did not think I would care much for it, as I tend to be a bit of a Vivaldi, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, etc kind of guy, but I do really like the bands Fall Out Boy and Sleeping With Sirens. Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy really struck a chord (ba-dum tsss) with me. Not sure why, but I liked that song, as well as the music video. As I type this, I'm listening to Pandora and The Anthem by Good Charlotte just came on, and damn I really like this song.
Antonio got all the bitches.
   I did get quite a lot done in WoW this weekend. I decided to finally use my 90-boost on a troll shaman on Wyrmrest Accord. Currently I'm gearing him up to be an alternate healer for my guild's raid teams. I've never healed outside LFR before, so this should be an interesting experience.
   I'm really enjoying the resto shaman play style, but I must say, I was really overwhelmed when I first boosted. They just sort of drop you in. I really wish there had been some sort of Death Knight like area to learn your class in, and I imagine we'll see that when the expansion is actually released. It seems like they would have to, because even as a veteran on Azeroth I was intimidated by the amount I had to learn. If the purpose of this is to help get new players in the game, the learning curve could prove a massive obstacle.
   My only other complaint regarding the 90-boost is you don't get any flight paths. You have to go run your freaking ass off and pick them up as you happen to wander by. This drives me nuts because I am incredibly lazy and use flight points instead of my own mounts quite a lot. So that is a gigantic time suck. The Timeless Isle has proven my best friend these past few days, as it has really helped me get geared and basically jump straight into LFR after just a few heroic dungeon runs to learn my rotations.
   More on this will be incoming as I start to get settled in. Until Wednesday!


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