Hey, everybody. After a brief hiatus for having family in town, I'm back with plenty to talk about. I've actually considered cutting these back to just Friday updates for the summer, seeing as there isn't too much going on, but I'm going to give it another week or so before I do anything.
Having forgotten to announce it in my last post on Friday the week before last, I had family in town all last week, hence no blog posts. I just didn't have the time. They're gone now, though, so finally back to my regular posting schedule.

So recently, I've really been hankering for a good JRPG. The bad news, however, is that I have approximately $0. Since it's launch, Square Enix's new game
Bravely Default has been a grandslam among fans of the genre, but I still have yet to pick it up. Recently in Japan, however they released a demo which includes the first
four chapters of gameplay. That is one hell of a demo. The demo then has an upgrade fee of what converts to about twenty dollars American. No news on whether or not this demo will be available in the US (please, please, please!) yet. As of right now, the Nintendo E-Shop is undergoing maintenance, unconnected to this, of course, but preventing me from attempting to see if this demo is available. Hopefully by Wednesday I will know, and possibly be playing the demo.

Speaking of games I can't play because I don't have the right system, as of 17 July, 2014 Playstation owners who preordered Bungie's
Destiny will be able to join the beta testing. You lucky bastards. I still don't own the Playstation 4, and I just can't justify buying the PS3 when the next gen console is only a hundred or so more. However, for those of you who are lucky enough to have a PS4 and have preordered this seriously kickass looking game, you will be able to begin killing things at 10:00pm PT. For those of you with the Xbone, you will be able to join the beta on 23 July, at 10:00pm PT. The beta will be offline July 21 and 22 for "scheduled maintenance" and then it will end on 27 July at 11:59pm PT. However, it does appear as though Bungie intends to do multiple phases of beta, akin to the Wildstar model, so you should be able to get in plenty of buggy gameplay before the game officially launches on 9 September.
Moving onto something I haven't talked about in a fair amount of time-
Hearthstone. The July Season began 7 days ago (duh) with it's featured Curse of Naxxramas cardback. Even without the announcement from Team 5, it's pretty obvious that they are pushing to have Adventure Mode out at some point this month, and not a moment too soon, I say. I've been getting my ass handed to me in ranked play for long enough and I can't even look at the arena button at this point. I think we're due for something new to come along and shake things up.

Personally, I'm still running my budget Zoolock deck, but I also threw together a little aggro mage. The trouble is, I can't seem to get out of the control mindset when I play mage decks, so I don't think it will work out in the long run. I'm also still on a quest to make a viable priest deck (Amaz is my hero). I don't know why I love that hero class so much-I don't even have a priest in WoW-but I really love the way it plays and I'm dying to be able to play it well.
I've also been practicing my violin a lot recentyl, I finally memorized Beethoven's 5th Sonata Op 24. My left arm is absolutely killing me, though. Everything below the elbow is just really sore, and I can't figure out why. I really don't think I've been pushing myself all that hard this week. Regardless, I think I'll lay off for a day and play some more of dem vidya games.
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